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Workplace Issues Today Discussion Forum

Workplace Issues Today Discussion Forum


Each week please post your observations and comments on issues raised in one of the stories reported in Workplace Issues Today (WIT. This a free electronic newsletter from the Catherwood Library of the School of Labor and Industrial Relations of Cornell University.  Briefly summarize what the story is about and then provide your comment and analysis of the issue.  Your analysis should be based on the content covered in the course readings, videos, and power points. Please share relevant personal experiences in your discussions.

In addition to your weekly analysis of an issue raised in Workplace Issues Today, you should also respond to comments and analyses made by two fellow students each week. These may be comments on the story you analyzed or on other stories from WIT. Your responses should be thoughtful comments and discussion. Simply agreeing with the other person is not enough.

Your comments and discussion of WIT issues should be approximately 250 words and your response to fellow students should be 125 words. Your posting is due by Wednesday and your responses to other students are due by Sunday. Be sure to cite materials drawn from other sources. Your posts are worth 10 points and each response to classmate is worth 5 points.

I will periodically review your entries and add points as you add entries. Note that some of these stories may be relevant to your course project.

http://catherwood.library.cornell.edu/workplace-issues-todayLinks to an external site.

This is the site for your postings over the 8 weeks of the course. Please number your posts.