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Unit3( HCI490 ) part 2 – Due 07.03.2023

Unit3( HCI490 ) part 2 – Due 07.03.2023

  • Utilizing the information in the scenario and the information that you have compiled, conduct quality research, and suggest a list of EHR vendors that would best suit the needs of Yorkshire Clinic. Keep in mind that this is not selecting a vendor and implementing an electronic system from a based recordkeeping system, but replacing the current EHR system and transitioning to a new one
  • Your selection recommendation will require you to examine various vendors that sell EHRs in the United States and to select the vendor that you feel will best suit the needs of Yorkshire Clinic. 
  •  may include calling vendors, requesting information from a vendor directly, or extensive Web 
  • This link provides a valuable go-by that will assist you in this week’s assignment: EHR implementation steps. Use the go-by as a foundation for this week’s assignment. 
  • Provide to Ms. Hendricks that details your research of at least 2 EHR vendors in the United States. Include consideration of any challenges in replacing one EHR system with another as this is different from moving to an electronic system from a system.
    • The conclusion of your report should include your recommendation of what company you chose to replace the current EHR system and provide EHR capabilities to Yorkshire Clinic and the reason why.