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Respond To This


Read the article below and  Write a 250 to 300-word response. In your reply you must make a recommendation of a peer reviewed journal article that provides additional information on the topic. In your response, you should give a summary of the article in your own words and discuss why it is relevant to the article below. It must be different than articles reference in the article below. Include an APA formatted in text citation and at the bottom of the reply.


Psychological detachment is critical in unwinding from a day of work. Studies have shown that it may prevent physiological reactions and one day spilling over into the next (Brosschot et al., 2006). This helps to promote rest and recovery(Guerts and Sonnentag, 2006; Sonnentag,2018; Sonnentag et al.,2010).It has also been shown to promote work-life balance(Althammer et al.,2021; Hamilton Skurak et al., 2018). Work-life balance is a “ demand for a balance between work and nonwork”(Haar,2013p.495). It is essential for health and well-being. However, work conflict is the incompatibility between work and nonwork demands. This severely affects an individual’s health (Borgmann et al., 2019).

Mindfulness has been defined as “enhanced, receptive attention to and awareness of the present moment without evaluation, judgment, or cognitive filters”(Brown et al., 2007, p. 495). It allows one to step back from the present moment and provides an understanding between one’s thoughts, emotions, and behaviors(Brown et al., 2007). Mindfulness has been a long tradition in the East from Buddhist psychology focusing on how the mind, emotions, and consciousness works(Rapgay and Bystsrisky,2009). This has become popular in the West due to Mindfulness-Based Programs(MBP)(Melner et al.,2022).

Stress is a detrimental reaction in which ‘individuals interact with their psychosocial environment’(World Health Organization,2017, p.299). It negatively affects one’s job from the psychosomatic regarding behavior, attitude, and decision-making (Useche et al., 2017; Rahman and Cachia, 2021). Resilience positively influences an individual’s dynamic adaptation to significant stress and adversity (Sarkar, 2018, p.301). The intent is to show how mindfulness, resilience, and stress management training determine work-life balance benefits, especially for those in management.

Current trends

Mindfulness is an essential factor in determining work-life balance. It helps maintain short and long-term work-life sustainability. It is imperative to managers during reorganization of a business(Melner et al.2022). Mindfulness promotes individual and organizational cognition so that challenges and complexities connected to organizational changes are met. In addition to traditional mindfulness practice, there are programs that include contemporary psychological practice.

This practice intends to improve psychological health and well-being. One of the most adopted programs is Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction. This program was developed for people with chronic health conditions and those undergoing psychological and emotional stress (Kabat-Zinn,1982,2005; Melner et al., 20222).MBSR training strives to enable individuals to explore habitual, emotional, and cognitive reaction patterns. It also aims for them to change their thoughts, feelings, body sensations, and surroundings  (Crane et al., 2017). The participants learn about various forms of mindfulness, such as yoga, meditation, and mindful breathing techniques(Kabat-Zinn et al.,2017).

Resilience is associated with the ability to bounce back from traumatic experiences(Angeler et al., 2018). Stress resilience relates to lower strain, better job performance, and higher productivity. (Smith et al.,2018). Research indicates that training and interventions improve personal durability and well-being. (Smith et al.,2018; Resilience training in mindfulness positively affects those with an unusual amount of burnout. It helps to reduce stress and increase empathy. The individual, such as a manager, can support other employees (Kemper and Khirallah,2015; Rahman and Cachia,2021).

Managers are at the helm of ever-changing organizations. They lead themselves in complex-high stress environments(Nielsen and Daniels, 2012; Melner et al.,2022).

The job demand-control model by Karasek(1979) proposed an interaction effect between demand and control. However, Johnson and Hall(1988) remarked that control is not solely the only stress management resource available because social support also plays a part in stress management. Individuals with more excellent support, such as family and friends, were found to have lower death rates and fewer stress-related health problems. Regardless of workplace pressures, the higher the support, the lower the stress threshold. This makes stress management a phenomenon.(Theorell and Karasek,1996;Rahman and Cachia,2021).

So what are the other benefits of a positive work-life balance? These training and intervention techniques can facilitate detachment, reduce work-life conflict and increase satisfaction with work-life balance. This also includes positive personal characteristics(Althammer et al., 2021). F Another example of benefits would be interventions to foster work-life balance among nurses in nursing homes. This would increase resilience and reduce burnout and work-related physical pain(Min, 2022).

Future trends

Future trends lead to further discussions and studies of a specific topic. In this topic. Managerial work-life balance could benefit from studying work-life trends such as remote work. Future researchers can explore how other identities, such as social class, can influence outcomes for managers and employees(Thrasher et al.,2022). There could be more rigorous studies on mindfulness practice and expectations effects on intervention effectiveness(Melner et al.,2022). Future research should observe state and trait mindfulness to address potential limitations(Althammer et al.,2021). The integration of resilience could be explored into the JDCS to improve the stress management model(Rahman and Cachia, 2022).


Althammer, S. E., Reis, D., Beek, S., Beck, L., & Michel, A. (2021). A mindfulness intervention

promoting work-life balance: How segmentation preference affects changes in

detachment, well‐being, and work–life balance. Journal of Occupational and

Organizational Psychology, 94(2), 282-308. https://doi.org/10.1111/joop.12346

Mellner, C., Osika, W., & Niemi, M. (2022). Mindfulness practice improves managers’ job

demands-resources, psychological detachment, work-nonwork boundary control, and

work-life balance – a randomized controlled trial. International Journal of Workplace

Health Management, 15(4), 493-514. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJWHM-07-2021-0146

Min, D. (2022). Effects of resilience, burnout, and work-related physical pain on work-life

balance of registered nurses in South Korean nursing homes: A cross-sectional study.

Medicine (Baltimore), 101(30), e29889-e29889.


Rahman, S., & Cachia, M. (2021). Resilience and stress management amongst corporate security

managers: A hybrid approach to thematic analysis. Qualitative Research in Organizations

and Management, 16(2), 299-314. https://doi.org/10.1108/QROM-10-2019-1837  

Thrasher, G. R., Wynne, K., Baltes, B., & Bramble, R. (2022). The intersectional effect of age and

gender on the work–life balance of managers. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 37(7),

683-696. https://doi.org/10.1108/JMP-03-2021-0169