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using the paradigms of health, discuss the link between health and behavior. Describes how this relationship affects social determinants of health.

using the paradigms of health, discuss the link between health and behavior. Describes how this relationship affects social determinants of health.

 Reply to at least two other student posts about  the link between health and behavior.  Describes how this relationship affects social determinants of health.  

you should use a reflection of their response. 2 references for each Reply. 

Word limit 200 words .

  The posts were the following:

Post # 1 :


We are witnessing the rise of new paradigms that enable us to understand the world and specific phenomena better. The new paradigms overcome the limitations of the traditional understanding of problems and phenomena. They acknowledge that phenomena have an interrelationship and individual parts should be understood by analyzing them in the context of their relationship with the whole. The new approaches have affected the medical field. The paradigm shift has shifted focus from specific biological and pathological analysis and diagnostics to human interactions with the social, environmental, and economic processes under the health-genic systemic ecological paradigm (De Angulo & Losada, 2015). The approach provides a comprehensive understanding of health. It uses the term ‘health genic’ to indicate that it is not pathogenic. The paradigm understands the health-disease process from the health-origin perspective rather than disease origin to help people live abundant lives. It recognizes that personal indicators, family, community, and community levels affect health since these elements affect human beings. The approach requires people, communities, and families to live in an integrated way. It affects behavior because it requires people to make choices that promote life instead of those that promote death. Thus, it advocates for good health behaviors like healthy lifestyles, exercises, adhering to prescription medicine, access to quality, affordable healthcare, and hygiene, among other health-promoting behaviors. 

How the Relationship Affects Social Determinants of Health
The approach affects the social determinants of health. The WHO has listed the social determinants of health that emphasize that actions for health should be geared toward addressing these determinants to attack and prevent the causes of diseases before they escalate into diseases. The solid facts publication demonstrates the significance of scientific evidence in addressing causes of ill health. It also showed the impact of social factors on health, which affirms that health is sensitive to the social environment (Wilkinson & Marmot, 2003). Social factors that require attention to create healthy societies include addiction, stress, unemployment, social support, food, and social exclusion.
Health practitioners committed to achieving health for all should advocate for public policies that support health, create supportive environments, support community action, and revamp health services to achieve healthy communities. They should also help individuals to build their capacity to enhance their well-being through self-empowerment. Self-empowered people participate in their own change to improve their health outcomes. It incentivizes them to address their own future problems even with external health interventions.     

De Angulo, J. M., & Losada, L. S. (2015). Health paradigms shifts in the 20th century. Christian Journal for Global Health, 2(1).

Wilkinson, R. G., & Marmot, M. (Eds.). (2003). Social determinants of health: the solid facts. World Health Organization.

Post # 2 :


A paradigm shift in healthcare has revolutionized care provision in the 21st century. The paradigm shift has shifted healthcare control from hospitals and healthcare providers into the patient’s hands. Healthcare delivery has moved from healthcare settings into patients’ devices and homes to promote patient-centered care. The paradigm shift to patient-centered care has changed the dynamics of the patient-healthcare provider relationship by enabling patients to play a bigger role in improving their health outcomes (Bokhour et al., 2018). The shift to patient-centered care means that nurses should work more closely with patients outside the clinical settings to improve healthcare access, quality, education, transparency, and convenience to improve their health outcomes.

The paradigm shift affects health and behavior. Patients are actively participating in promoting and maintaining their health. They engage in healthy behaviors and lifestyles that improve their health and quality of life. Health has become a behavioral phenomenon impacted by the patient’s social and environmental conditions. CDC supports the assertion by stating that social determinants of health account for over 80 % of a patient’s health outcomes. Social determinants of health include economic health and stability, education access and quality, access to affordable, quality health services, basic amenities, housing, and the environment, and social and community aspects. Cheon et al. (2014) study demonstrates that the link between health and behavior affects the social determinants of health. It shows that mental health, diet, lifestyle, and physical exercise determine the number of days that a patient stays at a healthcare facility. It demonstrates the positive relationship between a patient’s health behaviors and their general health status. Intentional and unintentional health behaviors can advance or detract an individual’s health. Behaviors like smoking, drug abuse, physical exercises, sleep, sexual activities, health-seeking behaviors, or adhering to prescribed medications can improve or detract an individual’s health.

Health and behaviors depend on the existing social determinants of health. For instance, socioeconomic factors impact health-related behaviors and health. People living in poor neighborhoods with high concentrations of convenience stores are likelier to use tobacco (Braveman & Gottlieb, 2014). They also lack recreational facilities, lack fresh produce, and are more exposed to many fast-food outlets. These factors contribute to low physical activity and poor nutrition, leading to chronic diseases like obesity in such neighborhoods.

Hence, nurses should provide accessible, quality education to promote patients’ health-related behaviors and health outcomes. The intervention is crucial in advancing patient-centered healthcare delivery. The approach focuses on prevention by enhancing access to information to promote healthy behaviors.


Bokhour, B. G., Fix, G. M., Mueller, N. M., Barker, A. M., Lavela, S. L., Hill, J. N., … & Lukas, C. V. (2018). How can healthcare organizations implement patient-centered care? Examining a large-scale cultural transformation. BMC health services research, 18(1), 1-11.

Braveman, P., & Gottlieb, L. (2014). The social determinants of health: it’s time to consider the causes of the causes. Public health reports, 129(1_suppl2), 19-31.

Cheon, C., Oh, S. M., Jang, S., Park, J. S., Park, S., Jang, B. H., … & Ko, S. G. (2014). The relationship between health behavior and general health status: based on 2011 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Osong public health and research perspectives, 5(1), 28-33.