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Part One 1. A new mother is breastfeeding her infant. Which type of immunity is this…

Part One 1. A new mother is breastfeeding her infant. Which type of immunity is this…

Part One 1. A new mother is breastfeeding her infant. Which type of immunity is this baby acquiring? A. Artificial passive B. Natural active C. Natural passive D. Artificial active 2. What makes up most of the volume of blood plasma? A. Plasma proteins B. Red blood cells C. White blood cells D. Water 3. What happens to carbohydrates after being digested in the small intestine? A. They’re converted to chyle. B. They’re stored in the gall bladder. C. They’re transported to the liver. D. They’re distributed through the left subclavian vein. 4. A patient is determined to have a decrease in stroke volume. What is the primary reason for this finding? A. Narrow blood vessel diameter B. Drop in blood volume C. Slow heart rate D. Elevated cardiac output 5. A 15-year-old male teenager is experiencing an increase in facial hair and deepening of the voice. Which hormone is responsible for these physical changes? A. Follicle stimulating hormone B. Growth hormone C. Luteinizing hormone D. Testosterone 6. A patient is disappointed to learn of a health problem that’s causing a build-up of fatty deposits in the arteries. Which health problem does this patient most likely have? A. Aneurysm B. Atherosclerosis C. Anemia D. Arteriosclerosis 7. Blood flows from the left ventricle of the heart to the general circulation through the A. pulmonary artery. B. inferior vena cava. C. superior vena cava. D. aorta. 8. Which organ kills off most pathogens in ingested food? A. Stomach B. Pancreas C. Salivary glands D. Liver 9. Which structure of the male reproductive system is responsible for the maturation of sperm? A. Prostate B. Scrotum C. Epididymis D. Vas deferens 10. A young woman with an unusual skin rash and joint pain should be tested for A. congestive heart failure. B. emphysema. C. autoimmune disease. D. cholecystitis. 11. If the pleural space loses its negative pressure, what would occur? A. Surfactant wouldn’t be needed. B. Exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide would improve. C. Expiration would be more difficult. D. Inspiration would be more difficult. 12. A patient is complaining of central chest pain, nausea, heartburn, and sweating. What health problem is this patient most likely experiencing? A. Aneurysm B. Heart attack C. Hemophilia D. Cerebral vascular accident 13. In adults, erythropoiesis occurs in A. the liver. B. the spleen. C. white bone marrow. D. red bone marrow. 14. How many valves are located in the heart? A. Four B. One C. Two D. Three 15. A woman who recently came home from a tropical vacation now has abdominal pain and diarrhea. Her blood test results show an elevated eosinophil level. Which organism is most likely the cause of her illness? A. Parasite B. Virus C. Fungus D. Bacteria 16. What part of the brain makes antidiuretic hormone? A. Thalamus B. Pituitary C. Hippocampus D. Hypothalamus 17. A person taking an anticoagulant for a pulmonary embolism accidentally cuts his hand. The cut won’t stop bleeding. Administration of which vitamin may help stop the bleeding? A. Vitamin B12 B. Vitamin K C. Vitamin B2 D. Vitamin E 18. A patient has an elevated amount of nitrogenous waste products in the blood. Which process of the nephron is malfunctioning? A. Tubular reabsorption B. Urine formation C. Tubular secretion D. Glomerular filtration 19. When a person bleeds excessively, even from minor cuts and bumps, he or she probably has A. leukemia. B. thrombocytopenia. C. hemophilia. D. septicemia. 20. A patient is diagnosed with anemia. Which manifestation would this patient demonstrate? A. Fatigue B. Leg cramps C. Palpitations D. Yellow skin color 21. Which health problem prevents the absorption of electrolytes and nutrients within the gastrointestinal tract? A. Peptic ulcer disease B. Diarrhea C. Vomiting D. Constipation 22. The P wave on an ECG is described as a positive deflection that corresponds to A. atrial repolarization and contraction. B. ventricle repolarization and relaxation. C. atrial depolarization and relaxation. D. atrial depolarization and contraction. 23. When comparing the left and right lungs, it can be said that the A. right lung is divided into two lobes, whereas the left lung has three lobes. B. right lung is higher to accommodate the liver. C. left lung is broader but smaller to accommodate the liver. D. right lung is narrower and smaller to accommodate the heart. 24. If a disease resulted in the death of all your T lymphocytes, which of the following would no longer be possible? A. Stimulation of B cell production B. Inflammation after tissue injury C. Presence of bacteria-killing chemicals in tears D. Maintenance of an acidic environment 25. The most serious type of allergic reaction is A. lupus. B. anaphylaxis. C. atrial fibrillation. D. psoriasis. 26. When comparing the blood smears of patients with intact spleens to those of patients without spleens, the blood smears of patients without spleens will likely reveal A. many more fragile and old erythrocytes. B. many more lymphocytes and monocytes. C. many more bacteria. D. fewer red blood cells. 27. If you lose a kidney, why can you still survive and lead a normal life with one kidney? A. A kidney has the ability to make the existing nephrons bigger. B. Other organs in the body will take on the functions of the kidney. C. A kidney has the ability to generate new nephrons. D. One kidney has enough nephrons that aren’t normally in use to compensate for those from the lost kidney. 28. In which part of the renal tubule would glucose be reabsorbed? A. Distal tubule B. Proximal tubule C. Descending loop D. Ascending loop 29. Which is the best way to prevent the spread of infection? A. Handwashing B. Using prophylactic antibiotics C. Wearing gloves D. Wearing face masks 30. A patient has a deficiency in the hormone cholecystokinin. What substance will the patient have difficulty digesting? A. Vitamins B. Carbohydrates C. Proteins D. Fats 31. Invasive sampling of blood from the _______ would reveal that the blood is mostly deoxygenated. A. pulmonary arteries B. carotid arteries C. coronary arteries D. pulmonary veins 32. After an egg is fertilized, what happens to the ruptured follicle in the ovary? A. It sloughs off dead tissue. B. It regenerates a layer of cells. C. It becomes the corpus luteum. D. It signals the hypothalamus to release estrogen. 33. After inserting a breathing tube it’s discovered that a patient has no breath sounds in the left lung. What could have happened while inserting the tube? A. The bronchioles of the left lung are blocked. B. The tube is caught in the trachea. C. The tube went into the right mainstem bronchus. D. The left middle lobe is congested. 34. A patient has a colostomy that’s located right below the epigastric region. What type of colostomy does this patient most likely have? A. Transverse B. Ascending C. Sigmoid D. Descending 35. A male patient had a vasectomy seven weeks ago. What results should be seen in the patient’s semen sample? A. Several immature sperm B. Normal number of sperm C. Sluggish sperm D. No sperm 36. A patient is losing blood volume. Which layer of the arteries will control the diameter of blood vessels to meet the patient’s blood flow needs? A. Tunica elastic lamina B. Tunica externa C. Tunica interna D. Tunica media 37. A patient’s blood test reveals an increased number of antibodies for a specific antigen. Which cell is responsible for the development of antibodies? A. Cytotoxic T cells B. Memory B cells C. Plasma cells D. Helper T cells 38. Which structure protects the lungs while a person swallows a bolus of food? A. Epiglottis B. Periodontal ligament C. Esophagus D. Nasopharynx 39. A patient has developed a fever. What should you explain as the purpose of this temperature elevation?End of exam A. Generate body heat B. Increase blood flow C. Improve oxygenation D. Destroy invading pathogens 40. A blood test shows that a patient has an elevated level of Helicobacter pylori. Which health problem could develop because of this blood level? A. Gastritis B. Reflux esophagitis C. Peptic ulcer disease D. Enteritis  SCI 136 RESEARCH PROJECT BACKGROUND During your study, you may have found one of the medical disorders you read about to be especially interesting. This assignment gives you an opportunity to apply what you’ve learned by researching outside sources and increasing your understanding of one disorder. GOAL This assignment is designed to help you apply what you’ve learned from your lessons by researching and writing about a medical disorder you’ve studied and to give you an opportunity to demonstrate your written communication and research skills. PROCEDURE Go to http://lessons.pennfoster.com/pdf/sp0754.pdf, and read the instructions for research papers. Select a single medical disorder that affects the cardiovascular, respiratory, lymphatic, immune, gastrointestinal, urinary, or reproductive systems. Consult the software program Anatomy & Physiology Revealed 3.0, and determine the histology and possible imaging studies used to diagnose the disorder. Utilize other resources, including textbooks, journal articles, and primary websites to validate your findings. Then, prepare a detailed report on the medical disorder, including the following elements: 1. Definition 2. Method(s) of diagnosis 3. Symptoms and complications of the disorder 4. Diagnostic findings from imaging and histology 5. Treatment of the disorder 6. Methods of prevention, if any 7. Directions for future research 70 Research Project Incorporate the information you learned about anatomy and physiology from this course, but don’t limit your discussion to the textbook and study guide. Take advantage of external resources to provide an in-depth, comprehensive report. WRITING GUIDELINES 1. Type your submission, double-spaced, in a standard font, Times New Roman or Arial font size 12. Use a standard document format with 1-inch margins. (Do not use any fancy or cursive fonts.) 2. Include the following information at the top of your paper: a. Name and complete mailing address b. Student number c. Course number and title (SCI 136: Anatomy and Physiology 2) d. Research project number (40944100) 3. Read the assignment carefully, and address the topic you choose. Use proper citation in either APA or MLA style. 4. Be specific. Limit your submission to the topic suggested. 5. Include a reference page in either APA or MLA style. On this page, list websites, journals, and all other references used in preparing the submission. 6. Proofread your work carefully. Check for correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, and capitalization.